Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

Noah and Owen went Trick-or-Treating together on Halloween.  They met up at Owen's grandparents house before starting the candy grabbing.  We did only a brief stretch of road, Noah was kind of wary of walking up to people's houses and knocking, but once the door was open, he tried to go in.  This was especially true if the homeowner had a dog.  After they filled their baskets they headed back to Owen's to play.  They were so cute running around in their costumes playing.  Then Owen's other grandparents showed up, and his Grandpa had a messy wig on.  Noah did not like that AT ALL.  He kept looking at him and shaking his head and saying "Nooooo.".   He would go near him after that with or without the wig.
Owen at the Darrows

Noah and Owen at the Darrows


going trick-or-treating

The boys out for candy

Kermit, aka...Owen

Noah thinks he's had about enough of the stroller

so he decides to take himself for a walk

playing with Owen's toys

Dumbo pushing Kermit on the tractor

creating havoc in the kitchen


I loved the big belly this costume gave Noah

Owen eating the football

Noah eating wildlife

Noah being awfully smug